
"PROMAK" Coffee Project
Improving Productivity and Marketability through Capacity Building of Coffee Farmers in Kenya
Period: December 2020 - November 2023
Partner(s): DEG (KfW), KENYACOF
Project Country: Kenya (12 counties)
SDGs: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17
Beneficiaries: 48,000 coffee farmers & 240,000 dependents and 240 cooperative board members
A joint project with the focus on increasing the current production of quality coffee by 2023 through capacity building on farm management, certifications (Rainforest Alliance + Fairtrade), nurseries management to 48,000 coffee farmers and their dependents including women and youth.

"Employment and Skills for Development in Africa (E4D)" Project
Promoting Employability of Youth, specifically young Women, in technical professions
Period: November 2021 - September 2023
Partner(s): EU, GIZ, Norad, KOICA, sasol, Quoniam, Particip
Project Country: Kenya (4 counties)
SDGs: 4, 5, 8
Beneficiaries: 960+ trainees
The E4D programme promotes local employment and addresses skills gaps in seven countries by building the capacities of jobseekers, employees, enterprises and training institutions.
E4D's target groups include economically disadvantaged populations, such as women and youth. A key priority of the programme is the promotion of green jobs, which are - according to the United Nations - jobs that contribute to preserving or restoring environmental quality.

"TONE SAFI" Safe Drinking Water Project
Increase access to clean and safe drinking water for vulnerable communities in informal urban settlements in Kenya
Period: October 2019 - April 2022
Partner(s): DEG (KfW), Vestergaard Frandsen East Africa Limited
Project Country: Kenya
SDGs: 6, 8
Beneficiaries: 22,000 family members & 10,000 school going children
A joint project with the focus on increasing access to safe drinking water for the target area; reduction in waterborne and water related illnesses; economic growth due to increased productivity from a healthier workforce and savings on hospital visits from water related ailments.
2,200 family water filters have been distributed to families with a large number of children and 100 community water filters to schools and community centers.
Project activities included training and qualification of over 50 women as community clean water advocates, several community sensitization campaigns on WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), household sensitization campaigns and finally distribution and installation of the water filters for the family and the communities.

"Technical Assessment of Testing Laboratory Infrastructure" Project
Consultancy to review laboratory equipment specifications and capacity assessment for the Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS)
Period: September 2021 - March 2022
Partner(s): TradeMark East Africa, Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS)
Project Country: Malawi
SDGs: 3, 9
Beneficiaries: Consumers in Malawi and abroad
The main objective of this consultancy is to assess laboratory capacity of MBS and DARS to carry out relevant tests and plant pest diagnostics for food and agricultural products (mainly cereals, nuts, and pulses), with emphasis on traded commodities.
The scope of work included: testing capacity assessment of the overall Malawi Quality infrastructure, mainly at MBS and DARS; development of detailed laboratory specifications for testing equipment to be procured through TMEA support; skills and competency assessment, training needs analysis of laboratory staff; tender evaluation.

"Support in Industry Mobilization for Nairobi and Western Kenya Regions" Project
Consultancy to develop strategies for identifying respective companies to cooperate in the project and further create awareness on cooperative training benefits among these companies to support the TVET institutions
Period: August 2021 - December 2021
Partner(s): GIZ
Project Country: Kenya
SDGs: 4, 5, 8
Beneficiaries: 100+ trainees
The project aims to secure 20 training slots per vocation / training institution (total of 40 training slots for both KNP and RIAT); support the TTIs in securing of training slots in Nairobi region for the three TTIs (Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology, Nairobi Technical Training Institute, Thika Technical Training Institute) to secure 20 slots for each (totalling to 60 slots); strengthen the capacity of the respective TVET institutions staff, so that they can mobilize industries independently and run the program by themselves for all the subsequent intakes.

"Technical Assessment of Testing Laboratory Infrastructure" Project
Consultancy to review specifications for laboratory equipment for the Somaliland Quality Control Commission (SQCC) in Berbera port
Period: October 2020 - February 2021
Partner(s): TradeMark East Africa, Somaliland Quality Control Commission (SQCC)
Project Country: Somaliland
SDGs: 3, 9
Beneficiaries: Consumers in Somaliland and abroad
A project with the focus on achieving positive outcomes particularly for food, pharmaceutical and petroleum value chains.
To strengthen the nation's quality infrastructure systems by reducing counterfeits, promoting quality production, trade processes and increased access to local, regional and international markets, the SQCC is in the process of building a national laboratory based at the main entry point for traded goods; the Berbera Port.
The laboratory is going to ensure compliance of products exported from Somaliland to meet market requirements in the region and abroad. Additionally, the infrastructure will be used to ensure that products coming into the country are safe to use, thereby safeguarding consumer health and safety.

"Developing Food Safety Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)" Project
Consultancy to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to facilitate conformance to food safety among private sector / industry players along selected value chains
Period: August 2019 - January 2020
Partner(s): MESPT
Project Country: Kenya
SDGs: 3, 8, 12, 13
Beneficiaries: Consumers in Kenya, private sector / industry in the food sector
The objective of the project is to develop SOPs for three value chains namely Dairy, Aquaculture and Horticulture (beans, mango and avocado).

"Development and Deployment of e-Learning Programme" Project
Consultancy on development and deployment of e-learning programme for participatory slum upgrading programme (PSUP)
Period: August 2018 - September 2019
Partner(s): UN Habitat
Project Country: Kenya
SDGs: 11
Beneficiaries: Urban planners, academia, local authorities, country team members
The primary objective of the project is to develop e-learning courses to support the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP) to meet capacity gaps of countries, so that they are able to address slum upgrading and prevention in a sustainable and inclusive way.
In order to extend capacity building functionalities, an E-Learning Platform is also needed to host the E-Learning modules, and which would allow users from different countries the ability to access the information contained.
The e-learning modules and platform are being developed particularly for: urban planners, academia, local authorities, country team members.

"Finalization of National Export Standard for Fisheries Products" Project
Consultancy to finalize the National Export Standard for Fisheries Products in Somalia.
Period: July 2019 - October 2019
Partner(s): International Resource Group (IRG) / RTI International / USAID
Project Country: Somalia
SDGs: 1, 2, 3, 8, 12
Beneficiaries: Private sector / industry in the fisheries sector
The objective of the activity aims to finalize any policy and legislative documentation required by the Federal Somalia Government legislative process to implement minimum export standards for all fresh or processed aquatic species that are legally harvested in Somalia.